It is professional
Self-Uncovery Coaching utilizes the best of several areas. The process is developed and based on the highly reputable and proven coaching system of the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), and incorporates knowledge and practices from the fields of Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Self-Development, mentoring, counseling, psychology, NLP and pieces of ancient wisdom.
It works
With Self-Uncovery Coaching, people in all walks of life get measurable, tangible, sustainable, and miraculous results. Self-Uncovery Coaching itself is inspiring, purposeful and fulfilling experience. Through it, you will be uncovering your own ability, your own "eyes," in order to find your true potential, to see what is really going on, to discover how you can enlarge your live, and find enjoyment and purpose in the ongoing stream of experience, in the process of living itself.
It is confidential
Confidentiality is my commitment to you. Self-Uncovery Space adheres to strict Code of Ethics in accordance with the standards of the International Coach Federation (ICF), and your privacy is my priority. All information shared during the coaching sessions is kept strictly confidential!
What is the format?
The Self-Uncovery Coaching experience normally starts with an initial face-to-face session to get to know each other, then a series of 1-hour sessions, preferably each week, for at least 3 months (12 sessions). Coaching process is flexible and allows certain changes in the sessions frequency. The topics of the sessions are normally determined by the client.
How do we meet?
Face to face or on the phone or via Skype. Throughout the duration of the coaching contract, the Client and the Coach remain in contact, by email or text or even brief phone calls, as per the client's needs. From the moment the coaching contract is signed, communication is not restricted to the actual coaching sessions for there is a co-active relationship in place.
How many coaching sessions do I need before experiencing the expected results?
The Self-Uncovery Coaching process is an unique experience and every one of us would certainly need different period to get the desired results. It typically takes between 3 and 6 months to begin experiencing tangible changes from the coaching experience. The initial 12 sessions program is the minimum clients should be ready to commit and plan in their agendas. Usually this is the period needed for the client to acquire the fundamental principles and tools for achieving meaningful and sustainable change. The Self-Uncovery process is never ending journey. Treat it like a lifelong marathon, not a sprint.
What happens between the coaching sessions?
With each coaching session the client discovers something new, acquires new pieces of self-awareness, new beliefs, new ideas and perspectives. Client’s strong commitment and dedication to the coaching process is essential. The client should be prepared to devote time and energy between the coaching sessions to complete the agreed assignments and execute the committed actions. I hold my clients accountable for respecting their commitments. The Self-observation between the sessions is fundamental part of the coaching process.
My role
I help people look deeper in themselves, discovering what is driving their feelings, emotions and actions.
I support people become aware of their mind-patterns, past-conditionings and habits that determine the way they perceive and experience Life.
I listen and observe deeply, I ask challenging and empowering questions, I harvest all available information and reflect all of this back to my clients.
I challenge people to step out of their comfort zones and to stretch themselves by changing their past-conditionings, mind-frameworks, breaking limiting patterns of thoughts and behaviors.
I present to people a universal framework, new fresh insights, alternative viewpoints. This helps my clients not only discover their own dogmas and past-conditionings, but change those, which hold them back, those that create destructive feelings and emotions such as fear, suffering, dissatisfaction, negativity, anger, despair.
I support people on their way of gaining clarity on where they are and support them to take a conscious decision regarding where they want to be.
I stand by my clients as they identify and confront things they may have been avoiding.
I create demand-pull and keep people accountable for respecting their commitments.
Benefits for You
There are no tricks, no shortcuts in Self-Uncovery Coaching process. If you expect a quick fix, this coaching approach is NOT appropriate for you! However, if you are Open, Curious, Optimistic and prepared to dedicate time and energy to explore and experience the Self-Uncovery Coaching, you are likely to get the following benefits (but not only):
You will achieve deep, intense self-awareness, self-control, self-confidence and consciousness through discovering and changing the dogmas, past-conditionings and beliefs that determine your Life experience.
You will start enjoying truly meaningful, balanced, enjoyable and healthy Life full of opportunities.
You will become a balanced person who makes conscious choices following your true, conscious-based values, your passion and intuition.
You will develop a unique and effective style of Leadership and Self-Leadership that positively influences, inspires and changes not only you, but everyone around you.
You will significantly develop your Emotional Intelligence and Communication skills, and improve your relationships and connections with other human beings.
You will learn how to identify and remove the barriers that hold you back from achieving your aims.
You will acquire or rediscover powerful principles, tools, skills, habits and wisdom that you can use for your development, as well as for the development of others.
You will learn how to reconnect to your intuition and discover the enormous power of this connection.
You will start taking more effective, focused and conscious actions immediately.
You will rediscover a whole new world full of Love, Enjoyment, Opportunities and Miracles.
You will become FREE! FREE from the Mind-created limitations and illusions.
Everything shared during the coaching sessions will be kept strictly confidential! I will not even disclose the fact that you have started this coaching program without your permission.
If I decide that you need a different kind of professional help before you can move forward, I will inform you immediately, break our coaching agreement, and refund any pre-paid fees.
The relationship between client and coach is unique and exclusive. Being absolutely honest with me is one of the key prerequisites for progress. I will be able to help you most when you are authentic and sincere during the coaching sessions.
I will NOT tell you what you want or expect to hear. I am going to be more honest and straight with you than anyone else by making you question your fundamental beliefs, mind-patterns and values.
During the coaching process you will discover many blind-spots you have, which will lead to great learning and growth for you. However sometimes these moments might not be comfortable for you.
Be present and fully focused during the coaching sessions.
I expect that you will strictly respect the agreed schedule and obligations. I value the time and resources my clients invest and expect the same from them. Without mutual respect Self-Uncovery Coaching process will fail.
For any questions, or to schedule a preliminary coaching session, please contact me